Tobias Vorkapić is a world traveller and photographer from Austria. Born in the federal state of Vorarlberg and grown up in Vienna, he is now based in Germany.
Tobias Vorkapić developed his own photo language on numerous journeys, work- and study-stays of several months and years all over the world. He visited more than 70 countries. Among others he lived in Tucumán/Argentina to experience constructing with adobe-bricks, in Guadalajara/Mexico doing art and photography, worked in Addis Ababa/Ethiopia as a designer and photographer, but also in Barcelona/Spain in an architect’s office, as now in Germany.

Uyuni Salt Desert - Bolivia
Tobias vorkapić ist Weltreisender und Fotograf aus Österreich. Im Bundesland Vorarlberg geboren und in Wien aufgewachsen, hat er seine Basis aktuell in Deutschland.
Tobias Vorkapić entwickelte seine eigene Fotosprache auf langmonatigen und -jährigen Reise-, Arbeits- und Studienaufenthalten auf der ganzen Welt. Er besuchte über 70 Länder. Unter anderem lebte er in Tucumán/Argentinien, um mit Lehmbau zu experimentieren, lernte an der Kunstuniversität in Guadalajara/Mexico, arbeitete in Addis Abeba/Äthiopien als Fotograf und Designer, sowie in Barcelona/Spanien in einem Architekturbüro, wie aktuell in Deutschland.

Latest stays abroad and independent trips by own and public transport
2023 Chile
2022 Chile
2021 Albania, Austria
2020 Greece
2019 Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia
2018 Morocco, Portugal
2017 Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Belgium
2016 Chile, Bolivia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
2015 Argentina, Chile, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macenonia, Albania, Montenegro, Netherlands
2014 Cuba, Jamaica, Curaçao, Colombia, Poland
2013 Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Belgium
Countries visited
AFRICA Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenia, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tansania, Uganda, Zimbabwe
AMERICA Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brasil, Caiman Islands, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curaçao, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, USA
ASIA Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
MIDDLE EAST India, Jordan, Libanon, Syria
EUROPE Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, England, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Türkiye, Vatican

Imire Ranch - Simbabwe

Erg Chebbi - Morocco

Nap with Puma "El Gato" - Bolivia

Varanasi - India